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World of Possibilities: Michael Ojo

World of Possibilities: Michael Ojo

The biggest lesson, to keep it brief, is life is extremely short and you want to take the time to enjoy as much of it as possible. You want to also take the time to remind yourself to enjoy everything you do and it should be with pleasure. It's not going to be with ease. There's always going to be challenges, but if you find what you love to do in every day, continue to do it. I think when we're younger, we don't have the responsibilities of paying bills or having to make money per se. We just like to wake up and play video games or do sports or hang out with friends or go to the movies or the mall. Those are the simple pleasures of life. As we get older, we now have responsibilities, so we now have to push away some of those pleasures when we're younger. And also those pleasures change as we get older, but in our lives, we should always make sure that whatever we're doing, we enjoy doing it. There's a saying that says, if you enjoy what you do, you never work a day in your life. I didn't know what that meant because I've had many a jobs where I've worked many days in my life, but now that I became an entrepreneur and I am chasing my goals and my dreams to do what I want to do every day when I wake up, I feel like I haven't worked a day and I enjoy it. And some days are tougher than others, but as long as you have pleasure and you really enjoy what you're doing, and you take the notion that life is short and that you have to enjoy the time that you have today because we don't know if we're promised tomorrow, you'll really do the most and have the most fun and enjoy life.
Uncertainty: LeAnn Elder

Uncertainty: LeAnn Elder

I think you have to expect uncertainty. You have to understand that it is coming. No one has all the answers and there you will be thrown curve balls and you have to be okay with the potential outcomes and prepare for them. But you have to; uncertainty is very difficult for a lot of people. Certainty is one of those basic human needs that drives a lot of people. When they feel like they don't have it, that's where you can get out of control and be very anxious and you can allow yourself to succumb in a very negative way. If you don't learn how to handle the fact that uncertainty is just a part of life, I do believe you have to have a lot of faith, right? You have to have a lot of faith that, in the end, it won't always be like this. In the end, this is fixable. In the end, I can rise above the difficulties that are in front of me and sometimes you don't know how you're going to get through it, and you are very uncertain about the future. And it does make you nervous in your approach in dealing with life. But you really don't have a choice. Like you can't, you're never going to get. But so far in life, if you think you're going to be confident and certain and secure about everything going on around you - it doesn't work that way. So, I can't look to have constant certainty in my life. I can only develop, make sure I work on myself from within, so that I'm strong enough to face the uncertainty and figure out what I can do to either fix it or deal with it and adjust my own mindset about it.
Uncertainty: Michael Ojo

Uncertainty: Michael Ojo

Yeah, uncertainty is tough. One thing I learned from therapy in the first couple of sessions was you can only control what you can control. And we all need to realize that there's certain things we cannot control. If we are having a bad day and maybe we want to go for a walk, but it's raining outside, it's torrential downpour, we can't control turning the rain off so there's no use of being aggravated about it. But what we can do is we can find somewhere quiet to sit down and just realize that I am in a very stressful state of mind. Let me find some peace and do something that will make me positive and happy and something that will make me progressive. That's really what you can control. So you just try to work on yourself in ways you can. I think the best way to do that is just kind of really understand who you are. (28:32): That takes time, but when you really know who you are, you believe in yourself. Again, it goes to confidence. Even during these uncertain times, you'll prevail. You'll get yourself out of it. And I've been there and even recently I've been there. And when I think about those times, I think about times where I've been there previously and I'm like, oh, well, I remember that time where I felt this same way, but guess what? That was a year ago and I got out of that situation. I'm in a better place today. So now that I feel like I'm in another uncertain situation, I've got to remember that if I keep on being positive and proactive, I can get out of this situation and in months, days, years from now, I'll be in a better place. So it's positivity, positive reinforcement in the mindset.(29:26): So this isn't confession, but maybe it's always been, Kim kind of suggested this to me. If you could say one thing that you've made a mistake on, I'm not trying to make it say you did that you not regret, but you may have done over and then what you learned from it because life is up and down or it could be something where you were down, something happened and then you kind of recovered from it.
Belonging: Vaughn Crowe

Belonging: Vaughn Crowe

You will go through life in moments. In moments where you will feel like an outsider. You will feel like you're the only one in the room with short hair or no hair. You may be the only black person in the room. And the reality is the level of confidence necessary to even take the first step to be in that room, you should acknowledge you’re a winner because that is somewhat of the first step in being comfortable and having folks gravitate to you. There is this concept, that I fully embrace right now, that we'll see if it works, but I want to be the uncommon amongst the uncommon. And that comes with recognizing that, hey, I'm different but I'm stronger because I am different. And the more people in the room who don't look like me, who don't talk like me, who don't have the same haircut as I do, it only emboldens me to go out and continue to compete, to strive to be excellent. Because ultimately the work that I produce, the product that I generate, they will all gravitate to excellence and so long that I am striving to be excellent. I might be alone for a moment. I might be uncomfortable, but as I produce, the world will gravitate to me. And that's somewhat of the mindset that's confident, not necessarily arrogant, not gloating, but it's this idea that because I am different, I am great, I desire to be uncommon amongst the uncommon, that's where I thrive. So, if you can find the courage to embrace that, I walk into many rooms where I am the only person who's black. And then you couple that with being from Newark, you're like, this is a double whammy. But you know what? I embrace it and you will come to me and you'll learn how good I am, how great I am. You'll also learn how great we can be together. That's what I would encourage when you're thinking about how do I fit in, how do I become more comfortable? I would figure out how to remain uncommon amongst the uncommon.
Healthy Relationships
Healthy Relationships: Vaughn Crowe

Healthy Relationships: Vaughn Crowe

I grew up in what I would call an ecosystem of love. And it wasn't a world where I was constantly told that I was less than others. It wasn't a world that I was constantly, psychologically tortured. I was reminded on a regular basis of how great I am and how much better I could become. And so those all were relationships and mentors and professionals and people who poured into me. And because of that experience, despite the challenges in the world that we experience, I fundamentally believe that the human species is good. And so therefore over these years, and it remains part of who I am, this thirst to learn more about people and to be in the presence of people, to ultimately develop relationships with no outcome necessarily tied to building a relationship. But because I fundamentally believe that people are good, the human species is good, I hope that I have an expectation that my fellow humans would think the same of me. Therefore, we can live not necessarily in harmony, but we can live in acceptance together, with a level of respect and dignity, so long that we are moving towards something that's positive. And so therefore, relationships for me is part of the reason why I do what I do. It’s part of the reason why I have a handful of really close friends and I value them. I would encourage young people to utilize the power of relationships to learn to advance relationships and also to help you avoid failure. It also helps. They help you embrace failure. So they're important.
Life Lessons Kindness: Kim Singleton

Life Lessons Kindness: Kim Singleton

I think the most important thing life has taught me is to be kind to people. I find that there's this covenant that we sing in church that be slow to take offense. I think a lot of the conflicts that we have with people, I think 90% of the time it's because we misunderstand what they're saying or we don't understand what they're going through. And any act of aggression, sometimes it's not about us. It may be about what they're going through. So always try to be kind to people and give people the benefit of the doubt. Now, there are that 10% who are mean and nasty, and you have to deal with them according to your personality. But the people that I've come across for the most part have been nice people. And I do try to give them the benefit of the doubt. And I try to be kind to people even in situations when they weren't kind to me. But that's my personality. But I can't say that me being kind to people has created opportunities for me later on. You heard the term, don't burn your bridges. I didn't burn my bridges and the opportunities came back to me. It doesn't mean that you let somebody walk over you or disrespect you. You can handle it in a way that's appropriate, but for the most part, everybody's just trying to get along like everybody else. So why not be kind to each other? And kindness is contagious. So that's why I love doing it. I love saying hello to someone or saying something or doing something to someone that makes them feel good. That makes me feel good. So, it's just very contagious. So that's what I learned in life. Just enjoy each other when we can.
Belonging: Vaughn Crowe

Belonging: Vaughn Crowe

You will go through life in moments. In moments where you will feel like an outsider. You will feel like you're the only one in the room with short hair or no hair. You may be the only black person in the room. And the reality is the level of confidence necessary to even take the first step to be in that room, you should acknowledge you’re a winner because that is somewhat of the first step in being comfortable and having folks gravitate to you. There is this concept, that I fully embrace right now, that we'll see if it works, but I want to be the uncommon amongst the uncommon. And that comes with recognizing that, hey, I'm different but I'm stronger because I am different. And the more people in the room who don't look like me, who don't talk like me, who don't have the same haircut as I do, it only emboldens me to go out and continue to compete, to strive to be excellent. Because ultimately the work that I produce, the product that I generate, they will all gravitate to excellence and so long that I am striving to be excellent. I might be alone for a moment. I might be uncomfortable, but as I produce, the world will gravitate to me. And that's somewhat of the mindset that's confident, not necessarily arrogant, not gloating, but it's this idea that because I am different, I am great, I desire to be uncommon amongst the uncommon, that's where I thrive. So, if you can find the courage to embrace that, I walk into many rooms where I am the only person who's black. And then you couple that with being from Newark, you're like, this is a double whammy. But you know what? I embrace it and you will come to me and you'll learn how good I am, how great I am. You'll also learn how great we can be together. That's what I would encourage when you're thinking about how do I fit in, how do I become more comfortable? I would figure out how to remain uncommon amongst the uncommon.
Advice to Teenage Self: Vaughn Crowe

Advice to Teenage Self: Vaughn Crowe

I recently learned this in my adult life such that it is so applicable to what I experienced as a young person in high school. And there were three elements that I recently learned from a very successful business person, and it was know your craft and know it well. So whatever it is that you think you're good at, lean in to that experience. If you're a math student and you love algebra and you're not as good at English, maybe lean in to being a great math student. So know your craft and know it well. Be humble. So as you are excelling in various tasks, if you are the best math student, there's no need to gloat and tell the world that you're great. Let your work speak for yourself, and that's a form of being humble. And then the third component of that life lesson is to make friends. And making friends is about building relationships, accepting people for who they are and what they are. And so, if you kind of go through life, and this is something that I've learned over the last five years from a really good friend of mine, which is to know your craft and know it well. So you study and you attempt to excel at everything that you do. And secondly, be humble because you will make mistakes. But going through life with a level of humility gets you close to kind of a higher form of life. And then lastly, make friends. We cannot survive as a human species without having a companion, a friend, a partner in some form. And so, those life lessons that I've learned in my life more recently are more apparent than ever. When I think about my childhood as a student at Weequahic High School as a student at Hawthorne Avenue Elementary School and even as a student at Colgate, those are three things that had I learned earlier would've been an added bonus to my life as I began to progress in my career.
Belonging: Eric Pennington

Belonging: Eric Pennington

Belonging is a bit of an elusive concept sometimes. A lot of your ability to belong is based on where you've been in your life. And if you come from an environment that is different than mainstream America, it's kind of tough immediately to feel like you belong. You have to feel like you have to prove yourself almost every day. I'll go back to another experience in my life where I didn't feel like I belonged, and I think I may have made at that time the wrong choice, but it turned out to be another one of the experiences in life that helps you do better. As a senior in high school, I was invited to meet with the dean of Yale to see whether or not they would accept me and admit me into the school. It turns out that I was going to be admitted to the school and was invited up for a final visit to spend the night with some students at Yale, and then the next day to meet with the Dean and essentially sign an acceptance letter to go. Well, I went to Yale and they paid for my bus ticket. I went there. I got into New Haven, got off the bus and walked to the campus. And when I got to the campus, the area around the campus was very similar to my environment here in Essex County, it was very urban. There were stores on the corner, bodegas similar to what we had here, but then when I reached the campus and there were literally these ivy walls and these big gates with these big stone structures. And I walked through that gate and immediately felt like I did not belong. I did stay overnight and the next morning I got up and I did not go to the Dean's office. I went back home because I felt so out of place and so much like I could never belong in a place like that. That was one of the times where I deselected. And at that moment I thought that was the best thing for me to do. I have learned since that that was probably not the best idea in the world. They wrote me later to find out what happened and to see if I wanted to come back, and I did not.
Body and Mind
One Body One Mind: Michael Ojo

One Body One Mind: Michael Ojo

When I was younger I didn't do that I realized I do now. I probably should have done more of this when I was younger, a lot of my elders told me this was the way to live and I didn't want to listen. Two things, one with the body, is how you eat. I was always an active kid. So that's one of the things that for the body is very good. Moving around, getting active. Now, people have wearables where they can track their steps and track how much they're moving a day. It's important to do that. As a kid, we'd run around, bicycle, swim, play basketball, football, and have races. So the activeness of keeping your body moving is key. And especially, if can, if you're fortunate enough to have the mobility, if all the functions are working in your body, it's a blessing in itself and you should utilize that as much as possible. But what I ate, I loved all of the junk food you can imagine, all the chips, soda, fast food, pizza. Pizza Hut was one of my favorites as well as Chuck E Cheese Pizza. Things that are considered processed foods. And now, because I do take a lot more care of myself as I age, I realize that processed food was not good and conducive to a good, healthy lifestyle. So I reduced it to almost none now. But if I would've, I think I should have done everything in moderation. So, if you do want to enjoy the food, of course it's great, it tastes great, but it's not nutritionally great for us, so it should be done in moderation. That's for the body. And then the body links to the mind. We're all interconnected in that way. So, when you're eating processed food, it affects the way you think. It affects the way you act. Of course, it affects the way you move. So you want to be mindful of those things, try to eat more healthy and whole as they say, things that come from the earth that haven't been ridden with chemicals or other kind of manipulation. And then with the mind, reading is key. My parents always try to get me to read as much as possible. I hated to do it then. I love to read now and it's almost like because I'm busy with work and other things, I can't find enough time to read. And I have books just piled up that I can't wait to just sit somewhere quietly for hours and read. And I think with time I got more interested in books, but the key for me was to find books that caught my interest. And it could be whatever you like to read. For me it's biographies and business books. But if you like nonfiction, sci-fi action books, just find and do the research to find a book that you like. It could be 20, 30, 40, 50 pages. It could be a hundred, 200, 300 pages, but start to get there because reading really stimulates the mind in a great way and it really connects the mindfulness and the body connection and really makes you feel good.
Mind and Body: Vaughn Crowe

Mind and Body: Vaughn Crowe

So, I am the son of Vernon and Darris Crowe and grew up in a very religious family where there was often the adage of your body is your temple and what you put in it is very important. And as you go through life, we kind of lose the idea that what you pour into your mind, what you pour into your gut, is significant. But the research is that what you pour into your mind, resting your mind, taking care of your body, eating healthy as best you can, it's hard nowadays, but eating as best you can, the output from that will lead to higher performance. So here I am 42 years old, I've had three knee surgeries, back surgery, my body has taken a toll. And what I've learned again over the years is that the mind and body are very much connected. So I do meditate and in the form of meditation. It's just sitting quietly and acknowledging my thoughts, nothing more, nothing less. Sit quiet, young people, and just let the thoughts come. And then here I am training for the Chicago Marathon. When everyone's told me, oh, Vaughn, you're too old. You've had too many surgeries, you've broken too many bones. And if you take care of the body and you push yourself, what you realize is that you control your outcomes to a degree. So I've been eating healthier, reducing the junk food, and the chips, et cetera. And by the time I arrive at this marathon, I'm overweight, challenged physically because I've adequately trained both my mind and my body. I have a bridling confidence that I will run 26.2 miles. It'll probably be my last one, but it'll be one of the biggest physical and mental accomplishments that I've achieved in my life. And that includes having played division one football.
Money: Kim Singleton

Money: Kim Singleton

I think it's never too early to have budgets. There's an old saying, when I was coming up, pay yourself first. So whatever job you had, you would always take out some money and put it aside for you first, and then you either use it as discretionary funds or paid your bills, et cetera. But I think it's important, and it all kind of ties into being intentional about what you want to accomplish. You may want to buy a house, you may want to get a higher education, you may want to invest. There's a lot of things that you want to do, but it's not going to come automatically. Everything takes planning and it's never too early to budget. And if you don't have a lot of money, think of the saying that I said before, pay yourself first You may get $10, so you take a dollar, you put it aside. If you did that every day for a year, that's $365. You could take that and put it someplace else, but if you just pay yourself first as you go on, then you'll have money as a young person and you can take this concept and when you get a job, make sure, see what kind of retirement plans your company has, such as a 401k. I know so many people who are retiring because they got into their company investment plan or 401k and just kept pushing everything into it and it would come out of their paycheck. They didn't even miss it. And then it was time to retire. They turned around and looked and they had all this money. So budgeting is always good, but make sure you pay yourself first. You take a piece of that, you put it to the side, and then you decide how you want to invest that because you'll have it.